Bosnia and Herzegovina Movies Page 7

The most popular movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina page 7 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Leyla (2017)

Leyla (2017)

Lejla, a young woman from Sarajevo, takes care of her elderly father and feels stuck in her life. One day she meets Vedad and they fall in love. He...

One Day in Sarajevo (2015)

One Day in Sarajevo (2015)

Causes and consequences of the assassination that happened in Sarajevo a hundred years ago still continue to reverberate in Europe. On June 28, 1914...

Big Leap (2019)

Big Leap (2019)

A filmmaking process helps one filmmaker son deal with his emotionally closed father.

Heroes for a Day (2005)

Heroes for a Day (2005)

A comic tale of a group of boys and a pretty girl who try to make easy buck.

All for Free (2006)

All for Free (2006)

A 30 year old, carefree man who lives off his parents' inheritance is untouched by war that affected most of his friends, but only until one of his...

Snorty (2019)

Snorty (2019)

Snorty a rehabilitated outsider tries to find a place for himself in a society in transition. All his past sins will come to haunt him and show him...

Breath (2018)

Breath (2018)

Twenty-six-year-old Igor is a maintenance worker at a medical rehabilitation center where 71-year-old Edita is undergoing therapy. Their chance...

Better Days (2018)

Better Days (2018)

When Milan, now a changed man, decides to go back to his hometown one last time, he'll have to meet, "for old time's sake", with Žare, who hasn't...

Counterpoint (2019)

Counterpoint (2019)

In a small registry office of a local government department, there is nothing new under the neon lights. The manager of the office and his employees...

Rodjeni (2022)

Rodjeni (2022)

At the end of June 2022, the football club Velež celebrates 100 years of existence. Velež is a club that during its existence went through numerous...

Lights of Sarajevo (2022)

Lights of Sarajevo (2022)

Sarajevo 1969-2019. Half a century of Sarajevo told from the point of view of Sejo Sexon, leader of the most authentic rock band of our period. An...

Great Wall of China (2017)

Great Wall of China (2017)

Bosnia, a summer's day at the country side 20 years after the latest war. Being the only witness of the secret plan of her favorite aunt Ljilja,...

Reverse (2010)

Reverse (2010)

Marco is caught into a situation where he is unable to protect himself or his son.

Orphan (2015)

Orphan (2015)

After her mother's death, a former drug addict Merima is forced to move in with her grandparents to the nearby village. Her city girl attitude and...

Skija (2020)

Skija (2020)

Movie about legendary football player, Josip Katalinski Skija (1948-2011). He played for F.C. Zeljeznicar from 1965 until 1975. He collected 41 caps...

Toni (2022)

Toni (2022)

A sleep-deprived woman arrives home to find a stranger in the house adamant he is her son.

Blum (2022)

Blum (2022)

A documentary about Sarajevo’s preeminent Yugoslav-era businessman and mayor, Emerik Blum, and the inner workings of his engineering company,...

My Mother's Swedish Heart (2022)

My Mother's Swedish Heart (2022)

In the summer of 1993, a group of Bosnian refugees flee to Sweden due to the war in Bosnia. The Swedish Red Cross places refugees in a pavilion for...

Eleanor (2014)

Eleanor (2014)

A 30-year-old woman who works as an exclusive prostitute likes to get lost in her daydreams. However, just one wrong step and she finds herself...