Estonia Movies Page 46

The most popular movies from Estonia page 46 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Estonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

The Master Painter and the Blended Colours (2016)

The Master Painter and the Blended Colours (2016)

A documentary portrait of Tiit Pääsuke, the most prominent painter in contemporary Estonia. Artist per excellence, creator of the imaginary...

Three August Days (2018)

Three August Days (2018)

In the midst of the political upheaval of the early 1990s in Soviet Union, an Estonian girl and a Russian boy reach across cultural lines to unite...

Ruhnu reis ehk Eesti saare eripära (2020)

Ruhnu reis ehk Eesti saare eripära (2020)

The Estonian band Ouu goes to a band camp on the island of Ruhnu

The End of Milk (2013)

The End of Milk (2013)

Today's milk production in Estonia moves to the direction of big cattles and automated farms. Rein Külama still runs the archaic small diary farm....

Father, Son and Holy Theatre (1969)

Father, Son and Holy Theatre (1969)

Alar Sudak alias Elaan is the don Quijote of Estonian theatre - predestined to eternal loneliness. Sudak's dream to become an officially acknowledged...

Katused ja korstnad (1968)

Katused ja korstnad (1968)

A dance film-fantasy, a tour of old and new Tallinn from its own unique angle - from the rooftops. First colour film of Eesti Telefilm.

That's How It Is (2024)

That's How It Is (2024)

Film takes the viewer into the world of men living in small towns in Estonia, showing their everyday thoughts and concerns.

Kaarel Kurismaa. The Limits of Timelessness (2024)

Kaarel Kurismaa. The Limits of Timelessness (2024)

A documentary about the Estonian artist Kaarel Kurismaa shows the viewer an insight into the world of artists. Kaarel changed his creative direction...

The Story Of Peep Puks (2019)

The Story Of Peep Puks (2019)

Filmmaker Peep Puks has directed 61 documentaries and created almost 40 programmes for television. In this film, he looks back on a lost time, the...

Rainer Sarnet’s The Invisible Fight (2023)

Rainer Sarnet’s The Invisible Fight (2023)

As a portrayal of artistic process, the film examines the inner workings of a film director’s mind with the aim to understand Sarnet’s own...

Teel (1977)

Teel (1977)

A lyrical report about passengers on the Tallinn commuter train. A meditative film about life's journey and the change of generations, which is born...

Partei liige (1971)

Partei liige (1971)

Rosiine Kartau tells about her life, work and activities as the head of the Vasula state farm.

Elu pärast maailmalõppu (2001)

Elu pärast maailmalõppu (2001)

More than 300 years ago, a church reform was carried out in Russia, and those who resisted it have been persecuted for centuries. People who call...

The Gull Theorem (2014)

The Gull Theorem (2014)

This is a portrait of a gull in a classical nature documentary about birds in the city. But it is also a philosophical contemplation of immigration...

The Estonian Game (1993)

The Estonian Game (1993)

Paul Keres is considered the strongest chess player of all time who has not achieved the title of world champion, which is why he has earned the...

Ühe armastuse lugu (1982)

Ühe armastuse lugu (1982)

One summer, the life cycle of one great crested grebe couple. Screenwriter, director and cinematographer Rein Maran.

Travelling Light (2006)

Travelling Light (2006)

A story about traveling and four women of different ages who embark on a journey. Four different destinations, four different goals, four different...

Harilik Eesti Sigakass (1969)

Harilik Eesti Sigakass (1969)

A short but educational documentary about a young sculptor who decides to build a cute mini-pig from his troublesome domestic cat. What can modern...

Jolly Old Farts (2009)

Jolly Old Farts (2009)

A portrait of two ageing cinema professionals who find motivation to live through endless quarrelling and challenging each other. An old film...