Estonia Movies Page 50

The most popular movies from Estonia page 50 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Estonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Lumi and Leenu (2022)

Lumi and Leenu (2022)

Silvi is one of the last Estonians to keep two cows in her home farm for her own use. Unfortunately Silvi sees no future in keeping the cows, so the...

Teekond mäe südamesse (1984)

Teekond mäe südamesse (1984)

In a short film about his brother, actor and director Jaan Tooming, Peeter Tooming transports him from between theater decorations to nature, a...

Limpa and the Dreamworld (2023)

Limpa and the Dreamworld (2023)

A young girl is kidnapped by the evil Pillow. Her sister along with her distant relative travel to Dreamworld in hopes of rescuing the girl.

Kind Hometown Spirits (1983)

Kind Hometown Spirits (1983)

As a result of the initiative of the youth programme of Estonian Television, a phenomenon known as "Hometown" was born in Estonia in October 1975....

Trail Baltic: A Trip to the Green (2023)

Trail Baltic: A Trip to the Green (2023)

It is the year 2020. Disputes over Rail Baltic divide Estonia in two. On one side, there are people who say they want to take the train to Berlin or...

John McCombs: Make a Way to Estonia (2021)

John McCombs: Make a Way to Estonia (2021)

John McCombs shares outrageous stories about surviving the United States Marine Corps, dating a foreigner who loves Taco Bell, and how living in...

Five Minutes (1969)

Five Minutes (1969)

Rushing to a plane, Aet is faced with the question of what to do with a strange suitcase left in her care.

Dry Leaves (2023)

Dry Leaves (2023)

A celebration of the multitude of the forms, textures and colours of nature through 527 autumn leaves.

Two hearts (1969)

Two hearts (1969)

Documental film about Estonian Equestrian Sport. The last 100 years of equestrian sport.

The New Devil of Hellsbottom (1978)

The New Devil of Hellsbottom (1978)

Jaan Tooming's retelling of the novel by A.H. Tammsaare

The Third Point (2022)

The Third Point (2022)

I’m on the island, thinking of you, trying to find something familiar that will make you feel less far away. For centuries, a surveying method...

Elusive Landscapes (2022)

Elusive Landscapes (2022)

Pille, whose last surviving close relative is her daughter living in Finland, attempts to farm sheep alone while defying old age. Felix is worried...

The Old Man and Gasworm (2022)

The Old Man and Gasworm (2022)

A mysterious Gasworm steals the Old Man's prized pig. Now the Old Man has 24 hours to defuse the pig bomb or the whole village will blow up!

Togg (2022)

Togg (2022)

The main difference between making out and knocking out is the speed in which two heads collide.

Mare Tralla's Secret (2022)

Mare Tralla's Secret (2022)

A documentary about contemporary Estonian artist and feminist Mare Tralla, who started in the stormy 1990s as part of the so-called generation of...

Language Rebel. Mati Hint (2022)

Language Rebel. Mati Hint (2022)

The film summarizes the life and creative path of Mati Hint, an outstanding linguist, essayist, lecturer and who played an important role during the...

The Forest and the Man (1966)

The Forest and the Man (1966)

For a long time, the forest was more powerful than a human being. The forest was independent and autonomous. Things have changed. The filmmakers...

Uurimusfilm doktor Enn Vetemaa märkmeraamatute põhjal

Uurimusfilm doktor Enn Vetemaa märkmeraamatute põhjal "Eesti näkid" (1993)

Mermaids and humans have crossed paths throughout millennias.Their generally peaceful coexistence is described in naiadological literature, as well...

Mr. Vene's World (1981)

Mr. Vene's World (1981)

Filmmaker Mark Soosaar talks to a remarkable gentleman Leonhard Vene (1902 - 1994), a self-educated antiquity collector thirsty for knowledge. For...