Estonia Movies Page 48

The most popular movies from Estonia page 48 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Estonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Grandma, Meet Mary! (2021)

Grandma, Meet Mary! (2021)

Middle-aged perfectionist Virve has made sure that her mother's 80th anniversary party goes exactly as planned, but suddenly her niece Silvia appears...

Me and Murri (1961)

Me and Murri (1961)

A story about a boy and his dog named Murri.

The Virus (2021)

The Virus (2021)

The film is about the love of a transgender woman and a woman in a society torn apart by a virus. In the apocalyptic world, one region is ruled by a...

My Wife Became a Grandmother (1977)

My Wife Became a Grandmother (1977)

A middle-aged literature teacher who devotes his free time to poetry is used to being the center of admiration for his family, especially his wife....

Anu Raud - elumustrid (2002)

Anu Raud - elumustrid (2002)

Kääriku Farm in Viljandi County is home to one of the cornerstones of Estonian textile art. Together with her elderly mother Valda Rau, the...

Pärand. Anu Raud (2021)

Pärand. Anu Raud (2021)

Textile artist Anu Raud enjoys life on her grandfather's farm in Kääriku. She has never thought about demolishing something there just because it's...

Aken aja liikumisse. Viivi Luik (1991)

Aken aja liikumisse. Viivi Luik (1991)

One of the most popular and talented writers in contemporary Estonia - Viivi Luik - has always hurt her heart for the fate of her country and people....

Vinyl Whisperer (2021)

Vinyl Whisperer (2021)

Ahto, armed with encyclopaedic knowledge and unbound love for obscure music, embarks on a journey to find the rarest vinyl records of the Soviet era.

For Tomorrow Paradise Arrives (2021)

For Tomorrow Paradise Arrives (2021)

The world is suffering from the flood of food waste, to save the environment and the future of their children, young mothers decide to feed their...

A Bad Scene: Nissan Patrol (2018)

A Bad Scene: Nissan Patrol (2018)

"A Bad Scene" is a film compilation, which speaks about the darker currents hiding in human relationships, situations, which are practically...

Inspiration (1975)

Inspiration (1975)

The Estonian Jubilee Song Festival is shown as a source of creativity that influences the creation of a painting. The documentary material is linked...

1+1+1 (1982)

1+1+1 (1982)

Heik Ernitsa's directorial debut "Encounter" is a humorous story about dreams and reality. "Street" by Valter Uusberg paints a nervous and gloomy...

Arvo Pärt in November 1978 (1978)

Arvo Pärt in November 1978 (1978)

Arvo Pärt and Lithuanian chamber orchestra are rehearsing for Old and Medieval music festival in Tallinn

Salme (1981)

Salme (1981)

Estonian Drama Theater actor Salme Reek about herself and others.

Teet Härm - maniakk või ohver? (2003)

Teet Härm - maniakk või ohver? (2003)

"Teet Härm - Maniac or Victim?" - suspected of killing a prostitute, Teet Härm became as famous in Sweden as Hannibal Lecter on the cinema screen....

Fred Jüssi: The Beauty of Being (2020)

Fred Jüssi: The Beauty of Being (2020)

Fred Jüssi has built his life at the crossroads between nature and culture. He is a true philosopher of the outdoors who has given deep...

A Demonstration of Brilliance in Four Acts (2019)

A Demonstration of Brilliance in Four Acts (2019)

The people are awaiting someone special. Someone special is born: a grown man in a suit.

Reich of the Dead (2019)

Reich of the Dead (2019)

Eight black ops soldiers fight a virus developed by nazis during the II World War. The virus has escaped after 70 years and tries to resurrect German...

The Baker and the Chimneysweep (1983)

The Baker and the Chimneysweep (1983)

The Baker and the Chimneysweep is a classic tale about what happens when the two swap their roles.