Estonia Movies Page 47

The most popular movies from Estonia page 47 which are currently the most visited by most of our visitors, if you want to choose the best movies from Estonia, you can do so here very easily and we guarantee you will find the best and most watched movies. No one can predict how much the audience will like the film. People's needs are also influenced by many external factors, so different stories will be at the top of the list in winter and summer. Nor should we forget the best of the best, as some films offer more than we might expect, turning them into history. These films will become audience favorites and then be available on the top podium regardless of season or year. In our case, however, your opinion is just as important as the critics' opinion, so with your vote you can influence a film's rating. Don't want to miss out on the best creations? Are you planning to see the best film ever made? Then you will find them all here!

Yasmyn. Clarity for a Day or Two. (2023)

Yasmyn. Clarity for a Day or Two. (2023)

Experience the captivating journey of Yasmyn, a visionary artist whose roots span Dominican and Estonian heritage, a fusion that reflects her unique...

Mälestus Tulilillest (1969)

Mälestus Tulilillest (1969)

In 2058, 10 years after World War IV, Jane returns home from college after graduation to meet the love of her teenage heart. However, the promising...

Allika poole mineja (1979)

Allika poole mineja (1979)

The sacrificial well is said to have magical healing powers and money, silver, jewellery or other items are sacrificed there. The water of the...

Kind Hometown Spirits (1983)

Kind Hometown Spirits (1983)

As a result of the initiative of the youth programme of Estonian Television, a phenomenon known as "Hometown" was born in Estonia in October 1975....

Ada Lundver (2005)

Ada Lundver (2005)

In the film, Ada is talked about by her friends and companions, as well as Ada herself. The camera accompanies Ada in many different situations....

2 Balls of Vanilla (2013)

2 Balls of Vanilla (2013)

A true life beach story about an ice cream seller, who wanted to party at all costs, but to do that he had to pick the hottest peach on the beach and...

Reich of the Reich (2022)

Reich of the Reich (2022)

Das Nazi Virus has broken loose. The elite squad from the 2019 trash hit "Reich of the Dead" sent to eradicate the virus has failed. In the...

Klaverihäälestaja tuleb kolmapäeval (1973)

Klaverihäälestaja tuleb kolmapäeval (1973)

The film ridicules stereotyped thinking through an absurdist lens.

When the Robbers Came to the Town of Cardamom (1980)

When the Robbers Came to the Town of Cardamom (1980)

The story of the town of Cardamom and the people there, as well as the only characters who stir up serious trouble.

Dangerous Migration Route (2011)

Dangerous Migration Route (2011)

Anything can go wrong on the way to Africa.

This Will Be Our Summer (2022)

This Will Be Our Summer (2022)

Karit, Doris, Joonas and Fred are ordinary Estonian young people. They are graduating from 12th grade and taking steps toward independence. There are...

Masing`s Landscape. Part II. The Son of Man in a White Boat (2004)

Masing`s Landscape. Part II. The Son of Man in a White Boat (2004)

People who got acquainted with Uku Masing in 1950s and grew stronger in time, either in Tallinn Institute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical...

Let's Play War! (2016)

Let's Play War! (2016)

While there are fewer and fewer World War II veterans among the living, the battles of this war keep reoccurring on different battlegrounds on the...

Estcoy-8 (2022)

Estcoy-8 (2022)

Not to mention the story of the Estonian unit Estcoy-8, which suffered the biggest losses in the history of Estonian foreign missions in Afghanistan.

To Share or Not to Share (2019)

To Share or Not to Share (2019)

How to live carefree and without money.

Four Stones (2021)

Four Stones (2021)

A monk goes through his present and past life, constantly bouncing between desire and denial. His life in the monastery and later in the city evolves...

Cogito, ergo sum (1990)

Cogito, ergo sum (1990)

Karl Peterson, an old farmer, living alone in his poor house in a neglected village of Uus-Kiislova, Põlva county, where his household once bloomed....