maghreb movies page 2

List of movies by maghreb page 2 category, if you want to know about movies maghreb, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

A French Youth (2024)

A French Youth (2024)
0 / 10

In the heart of the Camargue region, in the south of France, Jawad and Belka find freedom in their love of Camargue races. For these young Maghrebi...

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Le cri des hommes (1991)

Le cri des hommes (1991)
10 / 10

1957, the town of Mostaganem, Algeria: the country is still under French occupation, and repression of the National Liberation Front is at its...

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Pirates - Les Corsaires Barbaresques (2015)

Pirates - Les Corsaires Barbaresques (2015)
10 / 10

In the 18th century, the Barbary threat became serious. In July 1785 two American ships were brought back to Algiers; in the winter of 1793, eleven...

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Algérie Couleurs (1972)

Algérie Couleurs (1972)
10 / 10

"Film shot on the 'bench' from hundreds of photos, buildings, streets, towns unusually colorful for a North Mediterranean eye. The editing was...

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Machaho (1995)

Machaho (1995)
10 / 10

In Kabylie, rude mountain region in the north of Algeria. Arezki finds the young Larbi exhausted, buried under the snow. He takes him in and nurses...

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Yasmina (1961)

Yasmina (1961)
10 / 10

"Yasmina" filmed in 1961 in the middle of the Algerian war tells the story of a little Algerian girl with her hen and her family whose father was...

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The Inheritance (1975)

The Inheritance (1975)
10 / 10

A harrowing picture of the heritage of colonialism, focusing on a man driven mad by torture but saved by his wife, who restores his sanity and leads...

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Algeria from Above (2015)

Algeria from Above (2015)
7.9 / 10

Algeria from above is the first documentary made entirely from the sky on Algeria. Through the eye of the famous Yann Arthus-Bertrand this...

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J'ai Huit Ans (1961)

J'ai Huit Ans (1961)
9 / 10

Algerian children, survivors of the war and refugeeing in Tunisian camps, recount the tragic events they have experienced, from drawings they have...

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The Adventures of a Hero (1979)

The Adventures of a Hero (1979)
10 / 10

In one of the tribes of the Algerian Sahara, everyone awaits the arrival of the hero who will defend the rights of the poor. A man decides one day to...

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Le Serment (1963)

Le Serment (1963)
10 / 10

The Oath, a TV film produced by Algerian television in 1963 following the end of the war of independence, tells the story of young Algerians who...

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Breakdown (1982)

Breakdown (1982)
8 / 10

"Rupture is a look at a complex and little-known period in the recent history of Algeria, that of the thirties, a time when a political conscience...

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The Charcoal Maker (1973)

The Charcoal Maker (1973)
10 / 10

Film describes the miserable existence of a charcoal-burner who is barely able to feed his family. His search for work in town ends in failure and he...

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Gerboise Bleue (2009)

Gerboise Bleue (2009)
10 / 10

"Gerboise bleue", the first French atomic test carried out on February 13, 1960 in the Algerian Sahara, is the starting point of France's nuclear...

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A Propos D'Un Crime (1967)

A Propos D'Un Crime (1967)
10 / 10

In 1967, Visconti came to Algiers for the filming of The Stranger with Mastroianni and Anna Karina. Camus, during his lifetime, had always refused to...

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The Women (1966)

The Women (1966)
8 / 10

Documentary dialogue with young women in Algiers on their experience of independence shortly after their country's independence.

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Yaouled (1993)

Yaouled (1993)
10 / 10

Directed by Rachid Benallal.

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