maghreb movies page 5

List of movies by maghreb page 5 category, if you want to know about movies maghreb, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Les Anneaux d'Or (1956)

Les Anneaux d'Or (1956)
7.5 / 10

At the time of Tunisian independence, owners of large boats decide to sell, while many small fishermen soon find themselves without work. Their wives...

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Psalm 121 (iShiviti) (2007)

Psalm 121 (iShiviti) (2007)
0 / 10

An animated short set to a Moroccan Jewish recitation of Psalm 121

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The Seventh Door (1947)

The Seventh Door (1947)
10 / 10

An old man about to die gives all his fortune to a young beggar he meets in an Arabian town. He takes him to his house (now the poor man's property)...

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Le Remords (1974)

Le Remords (1974)
10 / 10

A filmmaker witnesses an act of racist police violence in Paris. He discusses with a friend whether and how he should make a film out of this.

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Patrol in the East (1971)

Patrol in the East (1971)
8.5 / 10

The film traces the story of a patrol of the Algerian National Liberation Army (ALN), whose mission is to transport a prisoner French soldier to the...

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Rester là-bas (1992)

Rester là-bas (1992)
10 / 10

Algiers. From the port to the souks, passing through the Jardin d'Essai, Dominique Cabrera transports us to the land where she was born, on the other...

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Le cri des hommes (1991)

Le cri des hommes (1991)
10 / 10

1957, the town of Mostaganem, Algeria: the country is still under French occupation, and repression of the National Liberation Front is at its...

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Guerre sans images - Algérie, je sais que tu sais (2002)

Guerre sans images - Algérie, je sais que tu sais (2002)
10 / 10

The Director Mohammed Soudani comes back to Algeria after 30 years with the photographer Michael von Graffenried to visit the Algerians he had...

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Abd El-Kader (2014)

Abd El-Kader (2014)
10 / 10

Illustrated with archival photographs, animations and live action, this film explores the history and historical and spiritual heritage of Emir Abd...

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Rome Rather Than You (2006)

Rome Rather Than You (2006)
6.2 / 10

"For more than ten years, Algeria has been living a slow war, a war without a front line but having caused more than 100,000 deaths. It is this...

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On The Trail Of Emir Abd El-Kader (2004)

On The Trail Of Emir Abd El-Kader (2004)
10 / 10

Abdelkader ibn Muhieddine (Arabic: عبد القادر بن محي الدين (ʿAbd al-Qādir ibn Muḥyiddīn), also known as Emir Abdelkader, or...

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The Forgotten Hill (1996)

The Forgotten Hill (1996)
8.5 / 10

At the outbreak of the Second World War, two friends, Mokrane and Menach, abruptly interrupt their studies and return to their remote native Kabylian...

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Rose Of The Desert (1989)

Rose Of The Desert (1989)
10 / 10

An oasis lost in the Saharan desert more than 700km from Algiers. A society still functioning on centuries-old rituals. The only connection to the...

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Une Femme Taxi à Sidi Bel Abbès (2000)

Une Femme Taxi à Sidi Bel Abbès (2000)
10 / 10

When her husband died Soumicha, mother of three, had to earn a living. She became the only woman taxi driver in Sidi Bel-Abbès, Algeria. This film...

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