maghreb movies page 6

List of movies by maghreb page 6 category, if you want to know about movies maghreb, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Rose Of The Desert (1989)

Rose Of The Desert (1989)
10 / 10

An oasis lost in the Saharan desert more than 700km from Algiers. A society still functioning on centuries-old rituals. The only connection to the...

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A People on the March (1963)

A People on the March (1963)
6.5 / 10

In 1962, René Vautier, together with some Algerian friends, organised the audio-visual formation centre Ben Aknoun to encourage a "dialogue in...

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Take Your Ten Thousand Francs and Get Out (1981)

Take Your Ten Thousand Francs and Get Out (1981)
10 / 10

Two young Algerians born in France leave the Paris region to return with their parents to the village of their origins. They speak neither Arabic nor...

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Patrol in the East (1971)

Patrol in the East (1971)
8.5 / 10

The film traces the story of a patrol of the Algerian National Liberation Army (ALN), whose mission is to transport a prisoner French soldier to the...

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Hell is Ten Years Old (1968)

Hell is Ten Years Old (1968)
10 / 10

This film was considered a testing ground for young O.N.C.I.C. directors. Today there is no longer a copy and the negative was accidentally...

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Pas De Blanc À La Une (1971)

Pas De Blanc À La Une (1971)
10 / 10

Pas De Blanc À La Une, by Youcef Bouchouchi, treatises the brutality of the conflict during the war of independence in Algeria from 1854 to 1962,...

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How Much I Love You (1985)

How Much I Love You (1985)
10 / 10

Beginning with a promotional reel encouraging farming investments in Algeria and ending with the secret 1950s nuclear tests that France conducted...

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So Young a Peace (1965)

So Young a Peace (1965)
10 / 10

The first fictional feature film produced in Algeria after independence, this film addresses one of the most worrying problems: that of childhood....

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Boudjemâa et la Maison Cinéma (2019)

Boudjemâa et la Maison Cinéma (2019)
10 / 10

He is a 75-year-old half-blind man. He takes 3000 steps every day. Since 2004 he has made a decision: he will no longer talk about cinema....

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Song of Autumn (1983)

Song of Autumn (1983)
10 / 10

Chants d’Automne (Song of Autumn), is a story of daily life on a colonial farm, at the start of the war of liberation in Algeria, describing...

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Douar de Femmes (2005)

Douar de Femmes (2005)
10 / 10

At a dangerous time in Algeria, 'Douar de Femmes' is a story of ordinary women who manage to defend themselves in extraordinary situations. The film...

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The Good Families (1973)

The Good Families (1973)
10 / 10

Directed by Djafar Damardji.

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Noua (1972)

Noua (1972)
10 / 10

Directed by Abdelaziz Tolbi.

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La Bataille d'Alger, l'empreinte (2018)

La Bataille d'Alger, l'empreinte (2018)
10 / 10

Cheikh Djemaï looks back on the genesis of Gillo Pontecorvo’s feature film, The Battle of Algiers (1965). Through archive images, extracts from...

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Cheb Hasni, Je vis encore ! (2008)

Cheb Hasni, Je vis encore ! (2008)
10 / 10

Director Djamel Kelfaoui pays tribute to the great singer Cheb Hasni, king of sentimental raï, who became cult in Algeria and beyond its borders,...

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