maghreb movies page 4

List of movies by maghreb page 4 category, if you want to know about movies maghreb, you can find the latest movie news on this page, you can preview, download wallpapers and posters, and write your review of movies if you have seen the movies.

Hassan Terro's Escape (1974)

Hassan Terro's Escape (1974)
10 / 10

Directed by Mustapha Badie.

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The Madwoman of Toujane (1974)

The Madwoman of Toujane (1974)
10 / 10

This rambling political melodrama tells the story of a French Breton who learns about colonialism while teaching native students in France's colonies...

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History of Pottery and Ceramics in Algeria (2004)

History of Pottery and Ceramics in Algeria (2004)
10 / 10

In Algeria, pottery is different from one region to another, the result of the various influences it has undergone throughout history. If the...

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Alger Et Ses Environs (1945)

Alger Et Ses Environs (1945)
10 / 10

The film, shot in 1938, is part of a series entitled “The true face of Algeria”. The film highlights the proximity of Algiers to Paris and...

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Algérie, La vie quand même (1998)

Algérie, La vie quand même (1998)
10 / 10

A small Algerian town, off the beaten track of the war that is tearing the country apart. At the heart of the crisis that is destroying it, two young...

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أطفال نوفمبر (1975)

أطفال نوفمبر (1975)
10 / 10

In the streets of the Casbah of Algiers, an FLN fighter pursued by the colonial police hands over confidential documents to Mourad, an Algerian child...

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Arezki, l'indigène (2008)

Arezki, l'indigène (2008)
10 / 10

In 1895, young journalist Albertine Auclair arrives in the Kabylie during a family visit. The beauty of the region seduces her but she soon learns of...

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Daughter of Keltoum (2001)

Daughter of Keltoum (2001)
7.3 / 10

A 19 year-old Swiss woman travels to her birthplace—an isolated, barren Berber settlement in the mountainous desert landscape of Algeria—to find...

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On The Trail Of Emir Abd El-Kader (2004)

On The Trail Of Emir Abd El-Kader (2004)
10 / 10

Abdelkader ibn Muhieddine (Arabic: عبد القادر بن محي الدين (ʿAbd al-Qādir ibn Muḥyiddīn), also known as Emir Abdelkader, or...

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Zinet, Algiers, Happiness (2023)

Zinet, Algiers, Happiness (2023)
10 / 10

Who remembers Mohamed Zinet? In the eyes of French spectators who reserve his face and his frail silhouette, he is simply the “Arab actor” of...

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Barrières (1977)

Barrières (1977)
10 / 10

Tahar, son of a wealthy family, is trying to preserve his privileged status despite the social changes brought about by the revolution. Tinted with...

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Huria (1986)

Huria (1986)
8 / 10

Directed by Sid Ali Mazif.

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The Mill of M. Fabre (1983)

The Mill of M. Fabre (1983)
10 / 10

Directed by Ahmed Rachedi.

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Algerian Refugees (1958)

Algerian Refugees (1958)
10 / 10

Directed by Pierre Clément and Djamel-Eddine Chanderli, produced by the FLN Information Service in 1958, this film is a rare document. Pierre...

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The Epic of Cheikh Bouamama (1985)

The Epic of Cheikh Bouamama (1985)
10 / 10

The story of the film revolves around the epic of Sheikh Bouamama, a leader of the national resistance in Algeria during the French colonial era. The...

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Paroles d'un Prisonnier Français de l'ALN (2010)

Paroles d'un Prisonnier Français de l'ALN (2010)
10 / 10

The image of French prisoners was very often evoked in Algerian cinema and literature, but until today, no Algerian or even European report or...

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